DALI Configurator Web Plugin


The system must be equipped with a DALI module and a MA-IP-2 master module (firmware >= 5.05). The following DALI modules are suitable for this:

  • DALI-16B (firmware >= 2.31)
  • DALI-16B-SL (any firmware)
  • DALI-08B-DT8 (any firmware)
  • DALI-08B-DT8-SL (any firmware)


  1. The following modules (see Figure 1) must at least be deposited in the programme.
    (The correct setup of the IP master is assumed).
  2. In the DALI module, all planned DALI ECGs must be registered and parameterised in "Configuration 0".
  3. In the MA-IP-2, the web server protocol and the DALI monitor must be activated (see Figure 2).
  4. To get into the addressing mode, user 30 must be activated in the web plugin.
  5. In the DALI plugin, the parameters must now be revised according to the system:
    - Access right
    - Number of DALI modules
    - Addresses of the DALI modules
    - Language
    - Text for the headers
  6. Programme and parameters must each be transferred to the master.

Now two types of functions are available, which are also on different access rights:

  • The DALI Error Monitor
    This tool could also be used, for example, by the caretaker for the inspection.
    It is purely for display purposes.
    Call up: IP address of the master/dali
    Example: ""
  • The Browser DALI Configurator
    With this tool, the system can be addressed, checked, deleted and changed. A separate access right is required for this function (User 30).
    Call up: IP address of the master/daliconf
    Example: ""

While only defective luminaires, ECGs or bulbs are displayed in the DALI Error Monitor, the DALI Configurator also enables address management very easily.

The start page shows the DALI areas found (in our example there is only one DALI BUS).

Pressing the "Test" button provides information on the status of the system.
Now all DALI devices on the BUS of the selected module are scanned.

DALI Configurator Test Page
Clicking on the lamp symbol causes the luminaire to flash.
Pressing the "X" button cancels the current function and takes you back to the start page.

Pressing the "Allocating DALI addresses" button (here in German screenshot "DALI-Adressen vergeben") takes you to the page shown on the right.
All ECGs found without address and with address are displayed here.

Pressing the lamp symbol button causes the corresponding luminaire to flash.

With the red symbol, individual or all ECGs can be deleted.

The green symbol calls up the addressing dialogue. The ECG found (flashes for identification) is assigned a free address in this way.

All free DALI addresses are visible in the addressing dialogue.
Simply select a free address – done.

If changes have been made in the system, the "Prog" button also appears for final saving.

After all changes have been made, you can decide whether everything is now written to the DALI ECGs or whether everything is discarded and then the original state is restored.